They both have their own namebrand credit cards.
That's just one of the interesting things I found at indexcreditcards.com, a website devoted to being a resource for just about every credit card deal that's currently out there. Tim M. of indexcreditcards.com emailed me recently and asked me to take a look.
They're trying to spread the word about the site through personal finance bloggers, interestingly enough. (And, in the interest of full disclosure, the blog that sends them the most traffic in the next couple weeks wins an Ipod Nano or Amazon gift certificate.)
Pretty comprehensive list
Tim's email said that indexcreditcards.com is the "most comprehensive online source for credit card information, including extensive lists of apples-to-apples comparisons of credit cards, helping consumers and small businesses find the best deals for their needs." And it is a comprehensive list, with more than 1,000 cards represented, including those for the King of Rock n' Roll and "Donny Baseball" Mattingly.
But how many people are in the market for a credit card like the one for Ducks Unlimited, which uses money from purchases to preserve wetlands? Or a "Wizard of Oz" card, which uses purchases to support the expansion of the Wizard of Oz museum in Wamego, Kansas? So while it's comprehensive, all that information isn't necessarily useful.
All types of cards
Indexcreditcards.com does include a wealth of information on more traditional cards from the big-name banks and card providers--low-interest cards, rewards cards, 0%-balance transfer cards, and a bunch of others. The site provides interest-rate, annual fee, transfer restrictions, and other details in a few lines for each card that are easy to scan and digest.
But unlike other sites, it doesn't offer a "compare" feature that allows you to look side-by-side at two offers. It also doesn't have a search engine that enables you to look for a specific card.
Easy to navigate
What I do like about the site: It's has a plain, easy-to-navigate home page; you can get wherever you need to go on the site from there. And it doesn't have any annoying advertisements. Though the site does get paid for card signups that originate from their listings, it doesn't try to draw your attention to one card or another.
The site also features credit card news and facts. One disturbing fact: Based on the site's estimates this year, U.S. credit card debt on average tops $3,500 per adult and $7,200 per household.
If you're in the market for a credit card, indexcreditcards.com is worth a look. Then again, if you are have as much credit card debt as the average American, it's a wise idea to consider taking yourself out of the market and paying off those you already have.
Hm..I've never heard about an Elvis Presley credit card. I would, actually prefer, a John Lennon one.
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